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Sahana GIS for Sahana Module Developers

The Sahana GIS API can be used by Sahana Module Developers to add spatial functionality to their relevant modules. Module Developers can make use of the existing API calls in the file under the GIS module.

For more info, refer: GIS Architecture

Currently, the API has the following functions:

  • shn_gis_gps_from_rest
    • Creates GIS coordinates for entities via REST url
  • shn_gis_map
    • Show Generic Map
  • shn_gis_dbinsert
    • Insert GIS information into database
  • shn_gis_add_marker_map
    • Show Map with marker addition event when clicked
  • shn_gis_add_marker_map_form
    • Show above map with form elements
  • shn_gis_map_with_markers
    • Show map with markers and information as specified in array
  • shn_gis_map_with_wiki_markers
    • Show Map with Wiki Markers
  • shn_gis_map_with_wiki_markers_select
    • Show Map with Wiki Markers & update Lat/Lon form fields based on Marker selected
  • shn_gis_density_map
    • Show reporting map with custom markers
  • shn_gis_features_in_radius
    • List Features within a Radius of a location
  • shn_gis_bearing
    • Provide a Bearing when given a starting & ending set of LatLon coordinates

These functions can be called by including the file.

Example 1: Add Map with event listener
//call the GIS api file
include $global['approot']."/inc/lib_gis/";
//add form elements if needed, with actions
//optionally, add additional form details, sequence information
//call appropriate gis api method
Example 2: Store GIS markers from previous form

A single marker's coordinates are stored in POST variables by the names of loc_x, loc_y.

The following code can be used to store the coordinates to the GIS Table.

include $global['approot']."/inc/lib_gis/";

Where, $u_id is the uuid of your entity.

GSoC Interfaces (Under Developement)

The Following is implemented in /inc/lib_gis/ (More information on each function can be seen there).

GIS key values

Key values to use when passing associative key arrays in 'shn_gis_create_*' and 'shn_gis_get_*' functions for features.

== Required for create
'f_type' ⇒ [str] point [Feature type use one of ('point', 'line' 'poly')]
'f_coords' ⇒ [str] x,y,z,wkt{POINT(x y z)} [Coordinates center point then coords in wkt(x y z) format ]
== Optional for create
'f_uuid' ⇒ [str] ql5yg-1 [uuif of feature !!! IMPORTANT IT IS RECOMENDED THIS KEY IS NOT USED IN create fns !!!]
'f_class' ⇒ [str] ql5yg-2 [uuid of feature class]
'f_projection' ⇒ [str] EPSG:900913 [Mapping projection default EPSG:900913 ]
'f_module_item' ⇒ [str] ql5yg-2 [Associated module item reference uuid. USE THIS FOR REFERENCING YOUR MODULE SPECIFIC UUID]
'f_name' ⇒ [str] Toms house [Name of feature]
'f_description' ⇒ [str] Big blue house, blk door [Description of feature(can be html)]
'f_author' ⇒ [str] Tom [Name of author]
'f_url' ⇒ [str] [url related to node]
'f_address' ⇒ [str] 10 big hill [Address at which node resides]
'f_event_date' ⇒ [str] 2008-06-15 15:05:20 [Date of event which marker represents]
'f_extended_data' ⇒ [str] blaa blaa' [Any extended data associated with point (sahana specific)]
'f_url_view' ⇒ [str] [A Link to view a feature/item in the owners module]
'f_url_edit' ⇒ [str] [A Link to edit a feature/item in the owners module]
'f_url_delete' ⇒ [str] [A Link to delete a feature/item in the owners module]

Code for key values

$keys_ = array(  
   'f_uuid'          => '',
   'f_class'         => '',
   'f_type'          => '',
   'f_projection'    => '',
   'f_coords'        => '',  
   'f_module_item'   => '',
   'f_name'          => '',
   'f_description'   => '',
   'f_author'        => '',
   'f_url'           => '',
   'f_address'       => '',
   'f_event_date'    => '',
   'f_extended_data' => '',
   'f_url_view'      => '',
   'f_url_edit'      => '',
   'f_url_delete'    => ''

Alternately when asking for keys you can just use

$keys_ = array('all' => '1');

To retrieve all the fields eg:

$keys_ = array('all' => '1');
shn_gis_get_features_uuid('somefeatureuuid', $keys_)

Database interfaces

Creating a Feature


Creates GIS feature from array of associative keys see above.

Removing a Feature


Removes a feature, associated metadata data and feature_to_layer refs.

Removing a Feature using an external module item as a refrence [External modules are especially likely to use this function]


Removes a feature, associated metadata data and feature_to_layer refs useing external module item uuid.

Modifying A Feature

shn_gis_modify_feature($uuid_, $keys_) 

Modifys a GIS feature from array of associative keys see above.

Modifying A Feature using an external module item as a refrence [External modules are especially likely to use this function]

shn_gis_modify_feature_module_item($f_module_item_, $keys_)

Modifys a GIS feature from array of associative keys see above (uses f_module_item_ as uuid to search for entry).

Feature Gets

By Feature UUID

shn_gis_get_features_uuid($uuid_, $keys_)

returns features corresponding to the features uuid

By External Module Item UUID [External modules are especially likely to use this function]

shn_gis_get_features_item_ref($item_uuid_, $keys_)

returns a multidimensional array containing all fields specified by keys of all features with a f_module_item refrerence uuid = $item_uuid.

Get All Features


returns a multidimensional array containing all fields specified by keys of all features.

Get Features Belonging To A Particular Feature Class

shn_gis_get_features_feature_class($class_uuid_, $keys_)

returns a multidimensional array containing all fields specified by keys of all features in class specified by $class_uuid_.

Get Features Belonging To A Particular Layer

shn_gis_get_features_layer($layer_uuid_, $keys_)

returns a multidimensional array containing all fields specified by keys of all features in layer specified by $layer_uuid_.

Specific Search useng a number of values

shn_gis_get_features_other($keys_, $layer_, $class_, $author_name_, $date_from_, $date_to_, $feature_name_)

returns a multidimensional array containing all fields specified by keys of all features using other atts as search values. To ignore any of the attributes in the search enter $att = ''

Create a New Feature Class

shn_gis_create_feature_class($module_ref_, $category_, $name_, $description_, $icon_, $color_)

Creates a new feature_class.

Remove a Feature Class

shn_gis_remove_feature_class($feature_class_uuid_, $options_)
  • opt 1 - Fail if features exist with this feature class otherwise remove.
  • opt 2 - Remove feature class and set existing features with feature_class_uuid to default class.
  • opt 3 - Remove existing feature with this class then remove class.
  • default - use opt 1

If you are building this into a module be carfull not to remove any feature classes that are registored to another module (they will have $module_ref_ set).

Modify A Feature Class

shn_gis_modify_feature_class($uuid_, $keys_)

Modifys a Feature Class, Enter new values as key value.

Return All The Feature Classes


Returns all feature classes in the system.

Return A Feature Class by its UUID


Returns data about a feature class (see code for more details).

Create A New Layer

shn_gis_create_layer($name_, $description_)

Creates a new layer

NOTE: This function will be recoded in the near future to take a key entry of values such :

$keys = array(
             'l_name' => 'a name',
             'l_description' => 'a desc'


Remove A Layer

shn_gis_remove_layer($layer_uuid_, $options_)
  • opt 1 - Fail if features exist within this layer otherwise remove.
  • opt 2 - Remove layer and references only.
  • opt 3 - Remove layer, layer references and all features that are in this layer.
  • default - use opt 1

Add Features To A Layer

shn_gis_insert_layer_features($layer_uuid_, $features_uuid_)

Add tie between a number of features and a layer.

Remove Features From A Layer

shn_gis_remove_layer_features($layer_uuid_, $features_uuid_)

Removes tie between a number of features and a layer.

Add A Feature Class To A Layer

shn_gis_insert_layer_feature_class($layer_uuid_, $feature_classes_uuid_)

Add tie between a number of feature_classes and a layer.

Remove A Feature Class From A Layer

shn_gis_remove_layer_feature_class($layer_uuid_, $feature_classes_uuid_)

Removes tie between a number of feature classes and a layer

Get All Layers


Returns all layers as an array of arrays such:

            l_uuid' => 'a uuid',
           'l_name' => 'a name',
           'l_description' => 'a desc'
            l_uuid' => 'a uuid',
           'l_name' => 'a name',
           'l_description' => 'a desc'

Get A Layer By Its UUID


Returns a specific layer using the layers uuid a search value.


Returns layers that a feature class is registered to.

Return All Feature Classes In A Layer

shn_gis_get_feature_classes_layer($layer_uuid_, $options)
  • opt 1 - Returns all class uuids registered to layer
  • opt 2 - Returns all classes uuids registered to layer as well as classes of features in that layer.


Decode A Coordinate String To Array


given a coord string decodes values into 2 dim array (see doc in code for more details).

Encode A Coordinate Array To String

shn_gis_coord_encode($coords, $type)

given 2 dim array of coords encodes string (see doc in code for more details).

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