SAHANA AGASTI 2.0 MAYON Emergency Management Software Hello and Weclome to the Sahana Agasti Mayon developer's VM. This machine image has been designed to help developers become effective contributors without having to worry about the complexities of server administration or instantiation of project tools. While this VM does reduce the effort to getting started, there are still a few steps remaining. Please follow the remaining instructions in this file to begin your adventure in the world of Agasti development. CREDENTIALS MANAGEMENT ====================== To make things simple to use, most of this images credentials have already been established. The current settings are found below: System Username: System Password: DB Root Passowrd: Agasti DB Name: Agasti DB Username: Agasti DB Password: You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to change these credentials at your earliest opportunity. To change your system password, execute the following in the command line: $ passwd To change your MySQL root password execute the following, replacing $NEWPASS with your new password: $ mysqladmin -u root -p'mayon' password $NEWPASS To change your agasti db password execute the following, replacing $NEWPASS with your new password: $ mysql -u root -p -e "UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('mayon') WHERE user='agasti'; flush privileges ;" mysql TELL US WHO YOU ARE =================== The Agasti Mayon codebase is managed using the bazaar version control system. Bazaar is very powerful, but it can be confusing to the uninitiated. It's recommended you start using bzr by introducing yourself to it. Set your whoami, replacing $FIRSTNAME, $LASTNAME, and $EMAIL, respectively: $ bzr whoami "$FIRSTNAME $LASTNAME <$EMAIL>" While you're at it, why don't you create an account on Launchpad? Simply head to and follow all of their instructions. Be sure to get as far as setting and importing your ssh keys! UPDATE YOUR BRANCH =================== Because it's likely that the codebase has diverged since this image was last created, you should start by updating your branch. First navigate to the project directory: $ cd /home/agastidev/Desktop/sahana-agasti-mayon Then execute a pull to get the latest updates from trunk. $ bzr pull lp:sahana-agasti/mayon NOTE: 'bzr pull' is a special command that overwrites the local branch with new content from the pull source. Because this overwrites the local branch, it is not advisable to use it beyond the first update. For getting future updates from trunk you should use the 'bzr merge' command. For more information, see: $ bzr merge --help INSTALL AGASTI ============== After you have configured your system, navigate to the install page for your Agasti instance, e.g.: http://localhost/agasti/install.php Follow the instructions on each screen, making modifications to your system in response to any reported misconfigurations and entering appropriate information when prompted. After reviewing the installation configuration summary, the next step may take a few minutes before the installer reports that is has completed and you can click the "Finish" button. At this point you will need to set the login credentials for the superuser by editing the /home/agastidev/Desktop/sahana-agasti-mayon/config/config.yml file (as a superuser) and replacing the null super_user and super_pass values with something valid and secure, e.g.: super_user: 'somesecureusername' super_pass: '$ome.$$$w0rd!' You should now be able sign in with those credentials and use the application. To port these credentials to the wiki, run the script: $ sudo -u www-data php /home/agastidev/Desktop/sahana-agasti-mayon/apps/frontend/lib/util/wiki-auth-setup.php Finally, generate the wiki indexes by running the following command: $ sudo -u www-data /home/agastidev/Desktop/sahana-agasti-mayon/web/wiki/bin/indexer.php -c * NOTES: - You can safely ignore any PHP warning of the form: PHP Warning: parse_url(http:///web/wiki/bin/): Unable to parse URL in ... GOING FORWARD ============= Now that you have a working installation... Explore! Have fun! Fire up netbeans and make your wildest imagination come true! ERRORS AND TROUBLESHOOTING ========================== - Blank page after clicking "Install", or "500" error page: The file permissions or database permissions are possibly misconfigured. Ensure the web server has proper access to the appropriate files and directories and check your web server error log. Also, ensure the proper version of PHP is installed; please see the SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS section. - 404 error page: Verify that symbolic links are being followed and that your web server is pointing to the expected directory for the application. - Installation instructions are followed properly and all settings configured correctly, but still unable to log into the application with proper credentials: Clear the Symfony cache with this command, executed from your branch root: $ cd /home/agastidev/Desktop/sahana-agasti-mayon $ ./symfony cc and try again. - I have another error, or my issue still isn't resolved: Please see the SUPPORT section in the README file for information on how to contact the developer community. Thank you for using Sahana Agasti! The Sahana Software Foundation