delete('Users') ;
// here we check our current transaction scope and create a transaction or savepoint based on need
$useSavepoint = ($conn->getTransactionLevel() > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->beginTransaction(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->beginTransaction() ; }
try // always wrap transactional statements in a try/catch block
$deleted = $q->execute() ; // execute our doctrine query
// commit our transactions or the savepoint
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->commit(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->commit() ; }
catch(Exception $e) // if we have a problem...
// if we started with a savepoint, let's end with one, otherwise, rollback globally
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->rollback(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->rollback() ; }
// ALWAYS log rollbacks with as much useful information as possible
$err = 'Couldn\'t delete users\'! Rolled back changes!' ;
sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->err($err) ;
throw $e ; // always remember to throw an exception after rollback
// except where other output is desired, return the number of operations performed
return $deleted ;
* A method to add users
* @param array $users An indexed array of user names to be added to the Users table.
* array( $username1, $username2, ... )
* @param Doctrine_Connection $conn An optional doctrine connection object. If one is not passed
* the default will be used.
public function addUsers ($users, Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL)
// here you can pick up the default connection if not passed one explicitly
if (is_null($conn)) { $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection() ; }
$coll = new Doctrine_Collection('Users') ; // set up our collection
foreach ($users as $user) // loop through our users array
// create a new doctrine record object for the Users table
$newUser = new User() ;
$newUser['name'] = $user ;
$coll->add($newUser) ; // add the new user object to our collection
// here we check our current transaction scope and create a transaction or savepoint based on need
$useSavepoint = ($conn->getTransactionLevel() > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->beginTransaction(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->beginTransaction() ; }
try // always wrap transactional statements in a try/catch block
$coll->save($conn) ; // save our collection
// commit our transactions or the savepoint
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->commit(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->commit() ; }
catch(Exception $e) // if we have a problem...
// if we started with a savepoint, let's end with one, otherwise, rollback globally
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->rollback(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->rollback() ; }
// ALWAYS log rollbacks with as much useful information as possible
$err = sprintf('Couldn\'t insert users %s! Rolled back changes!', json_encode($users)) ;
sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->err($err) ;
throw $e ; // always remember to throw an exception after rollback
// except where other output is desired, return the number of operations performed
return count($coll) ;
* A method to delete all users, then add new ones from the $users parameter.
* @param array $users An indexed array of user names to be added to the Users table.
* array( $username1, $username2, ... )
* @param Doctrine_Connection $conn An optional doctrine connection object. If one is not passed
* the default will be used.
public function deleteAndAddUsers($users, Doctrine_Connection $conn = NULL)
$results = array() ; // our results array
// here you can pick up the default connection if not passed one explicitly
if (is_null($conn)) { $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection() ; }
// here we check our current transaction scope and create a transaction or savepoint based on need
$useSavepoint = ($conn->getTransactionLevel() > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->beginTransaction(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->beginTransaction() ; }
try // always wrap transactional statements in a try/catch block
$results['deleted'] = $this->delUsers($conn) ; // execute delUsers, passing it our connection
$results['added'] = $this->addUsers($users, $conn) ; // execute addUsers, passing our connection
// commit our transactions or the savepoint
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->commit(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->commit() ; }
catch(Exception $e) // if we have a problem...
// if we started with a savepoint, let's end with one, otherwise, rollback globally
if ($useSavepoint) { $conn->rollback(__FUNCTION__) ; } else { $conn->rollback() ; }
// ALWAYS log rollbacks with as much useful information as possible
$err = sprintf('Failed to execute %s.', __FUNCTION__) ;
sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->err($err) ;
throw $e ; // always remember to throw an exception after rollback
return $results ; // just return our results array
$users = array('Fester', 'Bester', 'Lester', 'Esther', 'Chester') ; // array of users
$mtc = new myTransactionsClass() ;
$mtc->delUsers() ;
$mtc->addUsers($users) ;
$mtc->deleteAndAddUsers($users) ;