Table of Contents
Welcome to Sahana Agasti's "Krakatoa" Branch
What is Krakatoa?
In the summer of 2010, active branches of Sahana Agasti, the part of Sahana based on PHP web technology, were given the names of well-known volcanoes. Briefly:
Previous “Phase 1” Releases, Historically Important but No Longer Supported
- 0.1 - 0.5 (no volcano name)
The “Phase 2” Successor to the Foregoing:
- “stable-0.6” branch ⇒ Krakatoa. As of August, 2010, latest version is 0.6.6.
- Also available in “portable” version
Forthcoming Next Year:
- 0.9.x - 1.x ⇒ Vesuvius (direct successor to Krakatoa; packaged (installer-less) beta available now to developers from
- 2.x ⇒ Mayon (restructuring based on the PHP Symphony framework)
Krakatoa, based on the foundational Sahana lineage, is currently the most mature branch of Sahana. It provides full source code visibility and remains under limited development, just for bug fixes. Krakatoa has about half the modules of Vesuvius. This may make it more appealing for smaller organizations with limited time for training, if the suite of modules meets the needs.
For Users
Required Modules
Name/User Manual | Abbrev. | Brief Description | |
Sahana Home | home | This provides the home page. (If you substitute your own home page, this may be optional.) | |
Administration | admin | This allows initial and on-going system configuration and control. | See 'For Administrators' |
User Preferences | pref |
Optional Modules
Name/User Manual | Abbrev. | Brief Description | |
Situation Mapping | gis | This visualizes a developing disaster through online mapping. Within a particular area's map, annotated markers or pictures can be collaboratively added to pin-point both incidents and aid facilities. This assists situational awareness about the extent and distribution of the disaster and its response. Abbreviation later changed to “sm”. | situationmapping.pdf |
Shelter Registry | cr | Also known as the “Camp Registry”. This helps manage disaster shelters, whether a refugee camp site, mobile hospital, or temporary shelter within a permanent building. It records and reports shelter location, capacity, contacts, and other information. That knowledge helps to match capacities to needs, and to allocate shelters where needed. | shelterreg.pdf |
Catalog System | cs | Also known as the “Aid Catalog”. This allows the creation and refinement of a hierarchical inventory categorization. At the top level are “catalogs”, broad groupings such as “Food”,“Medical Supplies”, and so on. Within that are “sub-catalogs”, also known as “categories”. At the bottom are individual named items and their units of measurement. The structure so defined is then populated by the Inventory Management Module. | aidcatalogandclasssys.pdf |
Missing Person Registry | mpr | This is an online bulletin board of missing and found people, and those seeking them. | missingpersonreg.pdf |
Inventory Management | ims | This allows tracking of inventory items, using your organization's categorization and names as defined using the Catalog System. | |
Reporting System | rs | This provides an alternative, central place to generate reports that certain other modules provide (e.g., Aid Category, Inventory Management, Organization Registry, Missing Person Registry) if installed. Additional capabilities claimed are various export formats, scheduled report generation, and (for those familiar with the underlying database tables) custom one-off reports. | reportingsys.pdf |
Disaster Victim Registry | dvr | This provides entry and search about all the disaster victims and families, particularly identified and unidentified casualties, evacuees, and displaced people. For efficient entry at receiving sites, people are reported as members of a group (e.g., families, tourists at a site, bus passengers). Individual data may include name, age, contact number, ID card, location to which displaced, photo, and fingerprints. | disastervictimreg.pdf |
Volunteer Management | vm | This allows volunteers to manage their Sahana passwords and profiles, and correspond with each other through the system. In addition, the site manager can define projects, manage the assignment of volunteers to them, and otherwise control the system rights of volunteers. | |
Synchronization (System) | sync | This supports an organization's field operations, allowing data collected by an Sahana instance running on a laptop to be eventually merged back into a central master Sahana instance. It can do database replication (though see also the Vesuvius “Snapshot Module”). | syncmodule.pdf |
Organization Registry | or | This keeps track of all the relief organizations and their branches working in the disaster region. It captures where they are active and the range of services they offer at each location. | organizationreg.pdf |
Messaging Module | msg | Also known as the “Message Module”. This provides contact management of e-mail addresses and (for SMS texting) mobile phone numbers. If Sahana is running on Linux, emails or SMS messages can be sent to individuals. Groups can also be defined and sent information. Also, structured XML alerts in CAP format can be built and transmitted. | messagingmodule.pdf |
Web Services | ws | This is a first implementation of web services for Sahana, using the NuSOAP library. (Vesuvius carries web services further.) | |
Request/Aid Management | rms | This allows coordination of aid supplies and needs among private and governmental relief organizations defined in the Organization Registry, or their constituent sites defined in the Shelter Registry. One can post donations and pledges, requests for specific aid, and their fulfillment. Searching and listing capabilities expedite allocation of available resources. | request_and_aid_management.pdf |
Source Code
Source code for the above modules is available in our BZR Repository
Portable Version
The portable version can be an easier way for the do-it-yourselfer, with access to some PHP skills, to get started with Krakatoa. It provides a pre-setup and configured Windows-based instance of Sahana, with reasonably small footprint, that can be launched with a single click (of sahana.exe). An integrated development environment and debugger allow quick setup of an environment for tracing, finding, and solving any bugs.
Included pre-configured items are:
- Sahana Agasti Krakatoa 0.6.4 as of September 13, 2010
- PHP + extensions
- a web server (Apache)
- a database (MySQL)
These web developer tools are also included:
- Notepad++
- Portable Firefox 3.6, with XDebug and Firebug adds-on
Download and Support:
- Main developer of portable Agasti Krakatoa version: Chamindra de Silva
For More
Over time, additional appropriate “Phase 2” content will be moved here and freshened. For now, go to phase2.