Event Scaling

In the current plans for Agasti 2.0 the parameters of a response are set with the creation of a Scenario and customization post-deployment is limited. With these enhancements a response could be scaled to allow for the addition of resources to the response.

Design and Functional Requirements

Reference Information
Name of Design & Functional Preparer: Name
Name of Other Contributors: Names
Last Updated: Date

Note on contribution: Please feel free to fill out sections of the specification as this project is a collaborative effort; however, if you feel your ideas could be in conflict to previous ideas or you want to change sections already fleshed out please use the discuss tab first and find consensus with others working on this module or section.


<Fill out an overview of the functionality of the module or idea>

Use Case

<Elaborate on how someone would use the module or functionality>


<What shouldn't this piece do?>

Open Issues

<Recognized problems, holes in the design, and known issues>


<What screens should the user see? How should the work flow through the module? Good to include some sketches or pictures.>

  • Staff Management
  • Event Management

Technical Specifications

Reference Information

Reference Information
Name of Design & Functional Preparer: Name
Name of Other Contributors: Names
Last Updated: Date

Note on contribution: Please feel free to fill out sections of the specification as this project is a collaborative effort; however, if you feel your ideas could be in conflict to previous ideas or you want to change sections already fleshed out please use the discuss tab first and find consensus with others working on this module or section.

QR Code
QR Code agasti:mayon:developer:event_scaling_spec (generated for current page)