Collate list of Organisations for Sahana

Phase 1

Collate a single list of organisations which could be pre-populated into Sahana from lists provided by several sources (below). This combined list will be used in future deployments.

Use these sources:

Create a spreadsheet with one row for each organisation. If an organisation is in more than one source file, just make one row for it and combine the information from all sources. If the information for an organisation differs among the sources, check the organisation's web site.

Include the following columns for each organisation:

  • All useful data columns from the original sources. Each organization should have information filled for at least the following three columns:
    • Full Name (e.g. American Red Cross)
    • Acronym (abbreviation or short name by which the organization is commonly known, e.g. ARC – if none, repeat the full name in this column)
    • Website (e.g.
  • For other columns, choose an appropriate column name similar to those in the source files. Different sources may use slightly different names for the same information.
  • Ignore columns that don't relate to the organization, but just to how the data was entered, such as: created by, time created, deleted, etc. If you're not sure about a column, ask.
  • Include a column at the end for each source to indicate the source(s) the organisation came from – you can shorten the source names above to reliefweb, preventionweb, DRR, Pakistan, Haiti. If an organisation is in more than one source, include each source it's in, separated by commas.

Some suggestions:

  • You'll need a spreadsheet application, such as:
  • Load each source into a spreadsheet separately.
  • Look at the columns in all, and match up the equivalent columns. Choose column names for the combined shpreadsheet and decide their order. Put the three required columns first. Add a Source column on the end.
  • In each source's spreadsheet, rearrange the columns to match the combined columns, with empty columns for information not in that source. Put the source name in each row in the Source column.
  • Export each to a comma separated list (csv file).
  • Import all the csv files into one spreadsheet. Sort it on the Full Name column.
  • Remove duplicates by combining the information in rows for the same organisation.
  • Save the list into another csv file.

Desired result:

  • A csv file with one row per organisation, including all organisations in the sources, with columns for the relevant information, as described above.

Output * Organisation List

Phase 2

The first phase of this project has been completed. There is still some work that needs to be done to complete the organisation list.

With the output from Phase 1, and possibly using some of the original sources, the following need to be completed:

Organisation Type

  • Add a column for the type of the organisation. Enter the appropriate type word from the list below. Here are ways to determine the type:
    • Some organisations have types already in the original source files for Phase 1. These are given as numbers, which are the “ID” numbers listed after the type names below. (Here, put in the type word, not the number.)
    • You may be able to tell the type just from the name, e.g. Ministry of Health is type Government. If there's any question, check this using one of the following means.
    • Try looking up the organisation's website, and seeing the “about” section.
    • Look up the organisation on Wikipedia.
    • If it is still not clear, leave this column blank.
    • Look up the organisation on reliefweb or preventionweb.

You will need to find the type for at least 80% of organisations to complete the task.

  • Type names (and corresponding numbers):
    • Government (ID:1)
    • Embassy (ID:2)
    • International NGO (ID:3)
    • Donor (ID:4)
    • National NGO (ID:5)
    • UN (ID:6)
    • Donor (ID:7)
    • International Organization (ID:8)
    • Military (ID:9)
    • Private (ID:10)
    • Academic

Organisation Country

  • Add an additional column for “Country”, and separate any country name from the organisation name into this column. eg:
    • | ActionAid Australia | → | ActionAid | Australia |
    • | ActionAid Cambodia| → | ActionAid | Cambodia |


Desired result:

  • A csv file

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