Project Abstract

Sahana is one of the most comprehensive and well-known Disaster Management systems in the world today. Being one of the most widely-used Disaster Management Systems, Sahana needs to be accessible to people from every locale who might need to call upon its services. Therefore, localization (l8n) and Internationalization (i10n) are very important concepts associated with bringing Sahana to those who would need it most. For this to be possible, Sahana needs to have a reliable methodology available to manage language translations smoothly and effectively. Pootle is a Translation Tool aimed at the translation of Graphical User Interfaces. It provides an easy-to-use platform which can be used to assign translated native-language strings to the strings extracted from the original language the software supports. Pootle allows the effective management of large-scale translation projects and marathons. Sahana-Agasti’s Vesuvius series currently contains some support for integration with Pootle, however, the use of Pootle has fallen out of use for the localization of Vesuvius. This is due to the fact that no formal methodology for the definition of strings within Vesuvius (so that they can be used for translation replacements) has been defined. A Resource Page system which can provide dynamic translation options for individual installations of Sahana through a WYSIWYG editor is also under development. The aim of this project is to incorporate a comprehensive code-reworking on Vesuvius as well as the necessary scripting to integrate the use of Pootle coupled with the Resource Page system in order to provide a more comprehensive methodology for the translation of Sahana into other languages.

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