Google Summer of Code 2010: Spreadsheet importer

This project is a part of Sahana Eden Google Summer of Code2010.

Executive Summary

  • Abstract: In the aftermath of a disaster, data about victims, survivors, aid organizations, relief camps etc is of crucial importance in relief operations. Mostly, it is seen that data is stored in spreadsheets. Data stored in spreadsheets has to imported to databases for easy querying and other data operations. This project seeks to extract data from spreadsheets, clean it and input the data to the database tables.
  • Student: Shikhar Kohli
  • Mentors: Mark Prutsalis, Michael Howden, Chamindra de Silva, David Bitner



  • Meetings at 1200 UTC every Wednesday


Midterm Evaluation Milestones: 24 May - 12 July
GoalMeasureDue DateStatus
Implement file upload/extractionUser is able to upload files, and incorrect files are flagged9/6/2010Complete
Implement data extraction and mapping to a tree Data is present in defined data structures15/6/2010Complete
Implement elementary data cleaning operationsData is cleaned20/6/2010Complete
Start UI developmentElementary UI is in place25/6/2010Complete
Test that everything worksAll tests pass and the application functions as it should.12/6/2010Not Yet Complete

QR Code
QR Code foundation:gsoc_kohli (generated for current page)