CASE STUDY - Configuring and Customizing Sahana for the Lost Person Finder (LPF) Project

Other Personal Attributes (Gender, Marital Status)

Existing Gender Choices

In the field_options table, where field_name = 'opt_gender':

option_code option_description
mal Male
fml Female

and no special ordering is specified (e.g., display_order field is left NULL)

Revised Gender Choices

option_code option_description display_order
mal Male 1
fml Female 2
cmp Complex 3
unk Unknown 4

The TriagePic input source can report “unknown” or “complex” for gender. “Unknown” can accommodate severely injured arrivals whose sex is not immediately clear. “Complex” can accommodate discrepancies between appearance and biology, or transitional states.

Existing Marital Status Choices

In the field_options table, where field_name = 'opt_marital_status':

option_code option_description
unk Unknown
sin Single
mar Married
div Divorced

and no special ordering is specified (e.g., display_order field is left NULL)

Revised Marital Status Choices

option_code option_description display_order
sin Single 1
mar Married 2
par Partnered 3
div Divorced 4
wdw Widowed 5
unk Unknown 6

'Partnered' accommodates long-term domestic relationships and civil unions. The verb form 'widowed' covers both widows and widowers.

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