Administration Module

Configuration Data

The configuration data change page (Administration → Config Values) now includes type and range checking. Earlier all values had to be entered as text and configuration could have been messed by entering invalid values.

The new type and range checking feature uses meta data about the configuration values to restrict the type and range of values that can be entered by the user.

Each configuration file (including and other configuration files in the modules) needs to have a corresponding metadata file which has the name <conf_file> ( for

A sample of this file is shown below.

* The main Sahana configuration meta data file
* PHP version 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to LGPL license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @package    Sahana -
* @author     Ravith Botejue <>
* @copyright  Lanka Software Foundation -
#                 Sahana Main Configuration Settings Meta data                #
$conf_meta['base_uuid'] = array('type'=>'string','size'=>-1,'allow_null'=>true,'default_value'=>'saha');
# Disable the access control system
$conf_meta['acl_base'] = array('type'=>'boolean','default_value'=>false);
# Root Name :The owner of the machine
$conf_meta['root_name'] = array('type'=>'string','size'=>-1,'allow_null'=>true,'default_value'=>'');
# Root Email :The email address of the admin
$conf_meta['root_email'] = array('type'=>'email','size'=>-1,'allow_null'=>true,'default_value'=>'root@localhost');
# Root Telephone :The telephone of the admin
$conf_meta['root_tel'] = array('type'=>'string','size'=>-1,'allow_null'=>true,'default_value'=>'');
# port that data base talks. leave blank for default.
$conf_meta['db_port'] = array('type'=>'integer','min_value'=>1024,'max_value'=>65535,'allow_null'=>false,'default_value'=>'3306');
$conf_meta['db_pass'] = array('type'=>'password','min_size'=>0,'max_size'=>0,'allow_null'=>true,'default_value'=>'');
$conf_meta['debug'] = array('type'=>'boolean','default_value'=>false);

The current variable types are

  • string
  • email
  • integer
  • double
  • password
  • boolean

The todo variable types are

  • url
  • options list

Each variable type has the following properties.

Type : string
size The length of the string
allow_null Whether to allow null values
default_value The default value
Type : email
allow_null Whether to allow null values
default_value The default value
Type : integer
min_value The minimum value possible
max_value The maximum value possible
allow_null Whether to allow null values
default_value The default value
Type : double
min_value The minimum value possible
max_value The maximum value possible
allow_null Whether to allow null values
precision The precision of the value expected
default_value The default value
Type : password
min_size The minimum password length
max_size The maximum password length
allow_null Whether to allow null values
Type : boolean
default_value The default value

If <conf_file> is not found along with the respective configuration file, the user will be prompted for a string value (as in the earlier version) and no validations will be performed.

Below are some screenshots of validations in action.

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