Creating AXMLS (AdoDB XML Schema)
Namespace is schema

. The version=“0.2” attribute sets the version of the AXMLS DTD used by the XML schema.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<schema version="0.2">
Mainly you can include the Tables and SQL statements.
The schema is closely related with the ADODB Data dictionary.
Following are useful when creating the schema
Type Prefix | Description |
C | Varchar, capped to 255 characters. |
X | Larger varchar, capped to 4000 characters (to be compatible with Oracle). |
XL | For Oracle, returns CLOB, otherwise the largest varchar size. |
C2 | Multibyte varchar |
X2 | Multibyte varchar (largest size) |
B | BLOB (binary large object) |
D | Date (some databases do not support this, and we return a datetime type) |
T | Datetime or Timestamp |
L | Integer field suitable for storing booleans (0 or 1) |
I | Integer (mapped to I4) |
I1 | 1-byte integer |
I2 | 2-byte integer |
I4 | 4-byte integer |
I8 | 8-byte integer |
F | Floating point number |
N | Numeric or decimal number |
Keywords | Description |
AUTO | For autoincrement number. Emulated with triggers if not available. Sets NOTNULL also. |
AUTOINCREMENT | Same as auto. |
KEY | Primary key field. Sets NOTNULL also. Compound keys are supported. |
PRIMARY | Same as KEY. |
DEF | Synonym for DEFAULT for lazy typists. |
DEFAULT | The default value. Character strings are auto-quoted unless the string begins and ends with spaces, eg ' SYSDATE '. |
NOTNULL | If field is not null. |
DEFDATE | Set default value to call function to get today's date. |
DEFTIMESTAMP | Set default to call function to get today's datetime. |
NOQUOTE | Prevents autoquoting of default string values. |
CONSTRAINTS | Additional constraints defined at the end of the field definition. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<schema version="0.2">
<table name="person_uuid">
<desc>The central table on a person, with their associated names.</desc>
<field name="p_uuid" type="I">
<descr>A unique ID assigned to each person.</descr>
<field name="full_name" type="C" size="100" />
<field name="family_name" type="C" size="50" />
<field name="l10n_name" type="C" size="100" />
<field name="custom_name" type="C" size="50" />
<index name="full_name">
<descr>Put an unique index on the full name</descr>
require_once( $global['approot']."/inc/");
require_once( $global['approot']."/3rd/adodb/" );
$schema = new adoSchema( $global['db'] );
$result = $schema->ExecuteSchema();