Localization Team
The objective of this team is to localize Sahana to various countries and regions making the system far more accessable and usable to the citizens in those countries.
Localization includes:
- Translation to various local languages (which is 90% of the job)
- Customizing the interfaces to be more accessible and relevant to that country/region
Name | Translation Language | Contact Information | Weekly Commitment |
Team Lead: Sudheera R. Fernando | - | sudheera@opensource.lk | 4 hours a week |
Sahana Team | Sinaha (si_LK) | http://sahana.lk/ | <?? hours a week> |
Wei-Lun Chao | Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) | william.chao@ossii.com.tw , http://ossii.com.tw, Chinese (traditional) zh-l10n@linux.org.tw | <?? hours a week> |
Luki Lusiano | Bahasa (in_ID) - Indonesia | lusiano@urremote.com, http://urremote.com/ | <?? hours a week> |
Joni | Bahasa (in_ID) | j_on_ibanez@yahoo.com | <?? hours a week> |
Ady | Bahasa (in_ID) | any_ady@yahoo.com | <?? hours a week> |
Jorge Maturana | Spanish (maintainer) | http://www.info.univ-angers.fr/pub/maturana/ | 1-2 hours a week |
Angel “Furri” Soto | Spanish (es_ES) | angelsotomas@wanadoo.es | <?? hours a week> |
German Salgar | Spanish (es_ES) | gsalgar@minutodedios.org | <?? hours a week> |
Ricardo Beltran | Spanish (es_ES) | ricardobeltran@ieee.org | <?? hours a week> |
If you would like to volunteer onto this team please send an email to sahana-maindev@lists.sourceforge.net .