Table of Contents
Extra Links
Module Infomation
Possible thoughts
- Who/What/Where
- Common report for NGO co-ordination, whose presence here would be a big win
- Integrating the existing GPS module into the Siutation Awareness module.
- GPS module should ideally be fully-deprecated by the end
- Data Import
We already support overlaying data from external sources, we need to now be able to actually import GeoSpatial data into the Sahana db (from non Sahana sources - from other Sahana instances we can use the overall import/export).Primary need is for WayPoint information (e.g. downloaded from GPS: GPX or imported from KML as that's a very common interchange file in the humanitarian domain)- May be best done globally from the GIS Admin section with a post-upload location where each waypoint can be discarded, edited & categorised by module before being comitted to the DB
- Data Export
Be able to publish information via a URLBe able to download information to a file (I'd suggest that 1 mechanism is used where the file is 1st published then the user is given options to 'download now?' & then 'leave available for others or delete?'. If leaving for others then full URL is provided to allow sending to others. Having a place which lists downloadable files would be useful.Do we need to ACL these files?Key file formats for download are GPX (for uploading to a GPS), KML & GeoRSS.- May be best done globally via the Situation Awareness module as this should be able to access data from all modules with Filters 'by module' & 'by category'. Essentially the Export routine could save the current status of the filters.
- Enhanced WikiMaps (e.g. see this for ideas: )
- Click on icons to filter
- No need to refresh page when amending filters
- Try & have a similar look'n'feel between selecting OL layers & filtering on Module (Landmarks, Shelters, Organisations) & Categories within them (Schools, Medical, WatSan Sector)
ToDo list
- FullScreen view option
- PHP page without the Sahana Header/Menu/Footer
- mod/sm: Allow access to Markers from other Modules
- implement ACL, hence complete sec_policy.xml)
- Show: Situations/Landmarks/Shelters checkboxes, Dropdown for sub-type, Apply button
- Provide Legend of Markers used
- mod/sm: Customise Markers per type: More Situation Details
- Add new functionality to shn_gis_add_marker_map to choose Marker type when adding a new Marker to a map?
- mod/sm: Ruler tool
- mod/sm: Edit/Delete full Situations
OL 1st needs to match GoogleMaps in allowing the editing of Descriptions- Have separate Edit Situations' button on LHS or is locating on Map sufficient? (ewik action needs fixing)
- Who/What/Where
- GIS Reporting in the OR
- Add ability to show programme locations for each Org
- A new sub-type, like Branch
- Add ability to show sector worked on in each programme location (WatSan, Shelter, etc)
- shn_gis_density_map?
- mod/gps:
Fix Upload Waypoints (file uploads ok, even with spaces in filename) - mod/gps:
Filter [ALL] - mod/gps: Access Markers from across all Modules (call own Markers 'landmarks') - respect ACL
- mod/gps:
KML import/export (avoid re-writing GoogleEarth!)