Table of Contents
Disaster Victim Registry
The Disaster Victim Registry is a central online repository where information on all the disaster victims and families, especially identified casualties, evacuees, and displaced people, can be stored. People are reported as members of a group for efficiency and convenience. For each group member, information like name, age, contact number, identity card number, location to which displaced, and other details are captured. A person's photograph and fingerprints can be uploaded to the system, particularly helpful for the unidentified living and dead.
Features Include
- Capturing information about disaster victims as a group (e.g., tourists at a site, passengers on a train, families, etc.)
- Capturing information on each disaster victim within a group
- Uploading victim photographs and fingerprints
- Searching for different groups and individuals
- Modifying information about groups and individuals
- Generating various reports
Functionalities Provided by Disaster Victim Registry
Add Disaster Victims
- Add New Group
- Add New Individual
Edit Disaster Victims
- Search/Edit/Transfer Group
- Search/Edit/Transfer Individual
List Groups
- List Groups/View Members
- List Duplicate Entries
- Drill Down by Group
- Drill Down by Shelter
- Drill Down by Incident
Add New Group
This feature allows a group of disaster victims that has a leader to be quickly added to Sahana.
To define a new group, click the “Add New Group” link, then fill the resulting form with relevant group information.
It is possible to upload a photograph of the head of the group. Full name of the group's head is mandatory.
Then click “Next”.
The second page, “Current Location”, concerns where the group is presently staying or otherwise located, and who oversees their care, specifically:
- whether the group is administered by a Camp/Shelter or by a Organization
- the Shelter/Camp name or Organization name from the drop down list of known entities
- in what town or other local jurisdiction the group is presently (within the area defined by a hierarchy specific to this Sahana installation, e.g., Country, State, City; or Country, District, Village)
Then click “Next”.
On the next page, add a group description ( if required ), then click “Finish”.
Sahana will ask for confirmation before adding this group to its database. Check whether you have made any mistakes; if so, click the “Edit Details” button to correct them. Finally, click the “Save” button to actually save the group in database.
Repeat this process to add more groups of disaster victims.
Add New Individual
The “Add New Individual” option adds someone to one of the groups already defined in the Disaster Victim Registry. Thus, a group and its leader has to be registered first using “Add New Group”, before other members can be added with “Add New Individual” .
After clicking the “Add New Individual” link:
- Select the group by providing the name of the group head.
- Fill in the information about the person in the relevant fields. Only the “Full Name” is mandatory.
- Optionally add a photograph of the person.
Then click “Next”.
On the next page, indicate the person's current location. Often that is “Same as Group”. If not, select “Other”, choose the relevant location, and click “Next”.
On the next page, you may:
- add extra information about the victim
- upload an image of the victim's fingerprint.[Note: this functionality may be moved to separate Victim Identification Module in future]
Then click “Finish”.
Sahana will ask for confirmation before adding that person to the database. Check whether you have made any mistakes; if so, click the “Edit Details” button to correct. Finally, click the “Save” button to actually save the person in the database.
Repeat this process to add another person.
Search/Edit/Transfer Group
Using Search/Edit/Transfer Group feature you can
- Search for a Group
- Edit details of a group
- Change location of a group ( transfer )
- Delete a group
Search a Group
Select the type of the group and enter any card number,any name then click next. Then Sahana will show a list of groups matches with search criteria.
From that search results user can Edit, Transfer or Delete a group.
Edit a Group
From the search result window, click on the “Edit” link in the relevant group. Then Sahana will show a form filled with current information of the group. Edit the required fields in the form and also possible to upload a new photograph of the group head. After changing required fields click “Edit Location Details” to edit location details of the group. Then Sahana will show the current location of the group, if you need to change the location select a new location from the list and click next. In next window you can edit Group description, after editing group description( if required ) click “Finish”. Then Sahana will show a summery of new information. To save that information in database click “Save”, or to edit Details again click “Edit” and you can edit information from the beginning.
Transfer a Group
From the Search Result window click on “Transfer” link. Then Sahana will show the current location of the group. Select the new location from the list and click next to change the location.
Delete a Group
From the Search Result window click on “Delete” link. Then Shana will ask for your confirmation to delete the group. Click on the Yes to conform delete.
Note: Remember after deleting a group there is no way to recover that group.
Search/Edit/Transfer individual
Using Search/Edit/Transfer individual you can
- Search for a Person
- Edit details of a Person
- Change location of a Person
- Delete Person from DVR
Many Features available in Search/Edit/Transfer Individual is same as Search/Edit/Transfer Group feature.
Search a Disaster Victim
In Search a Disaster Victim window user can search for a person that has been reported as a disaster victim. To search a person , Give
- Number of any card ( Eg: Identity card number, Passport number or Driving license number )
- Any part of person's name ( Eg: First name, Family Name, Nick name )
Select All Incidents, If you want to search a person in all the incidents covered by Sahana installation.
Then Click Search
From the search results user can Edit, Transfer or Delete a person from Disaster Victim Registry.
Edit a Person
From the Search result window click on “Edit” link in relevant name. Then Sahana will show a form filled with current information of the person. Edit required fields in the form, also you can upload a photograph of the person. After changing required fields click “Next”. Then Sahana will show the current location of the person and you can change the location to new location by selecting a new location. After changing location (if required ) click “Next”. In next window you can edit more details about that person such as physical details, also it is possible to upload a fingerprint image of the person. After changing required data click “Finish”. Then Sahana will show a summery of new changes, to save changes click “Save”, to edit details again click “Edit Details”.
Transfer a Person
From the Search result window click on “Transfer” link. Then Sahana will show the current location of the person. Select the new location from the list and click “Next” to change the location.
Delete a Person
From the Search Result window click on “Delete” link to delete a person from Disaster Victim Registry. And Sahana will ask your confirmation to delete that person. Click Yes to delete the person. Click No to cancel deletion.
List Group/View Members
From the List Group/View Members feature user can list the all disaster victim groups and also possible to view the members of the groups.
To List groups registered in Disaster Victim Registry Click “List Group/View Members” button in Disaster Victim Registry panel.
Then sahana will show a list of Groups registered in Disaster Victim Registry.
To View members in groups click on “View Members” link in relevant group.
It is possible to edit individual group member's information by clicking on group member name, then Sahana will show Edit a Individual window for that person.
List Duplicate Entries
This feature allows finding and removing duplicate person entries in the Disaster Victim Registry. This is very useful to clean-up DVR's records. Clicking the “List Duplicate Entries” button will result in a pair-wise list of possible duplicates.
To compare a pair of potential duplicates, click a row's “Compare” link. Then Sahana will show complete details of two entries. If you identify these two entries as duplicate in the sense of referring to the same person, click the “Delete” link to remove that entry.
Report Generation
The Disaster Victim Registry can generate three types of on-screen reports about disaster victims. Available menu choices are:
- Drill Down by Group
- Drill Down by Shelter
- Drill Down by Incident
After clicking a choice, the result is a tabular “Disaster Victim Report”, by the chosen category.