Installing sahana on Go Daddy Hosting


  • non-free account
    • in Go Daddy nomenclature, this includes their economy, deluxe, unlimited or Grid hosting. Grid hosting would be considered best for large high-availability deployments.
    • Go Daddy's Terms Of Service for free hosting mandate having an advertising header automatically added to every web page, however Sahana's css unintentionally disables this.
    • Go Daddy's free hosting account is very limited in number of simultaneous connections, which while is fine for testing, would make the account unusable under any sort of load.
    • Upgrading to a better account takes around 24 hours, so it is important to start off with adequate resources. Upgrading to a Grid account from lower accounts can take up to 72 hours.
  • SSH access is highly desierable.


* Go to, and order a deluxe hosting account, ssh access, and ssl. * when you get email saying site is ready, ssh in, type wget “” cd html;tar xzvf sahana- ln -s sahana/www/index.php index.php

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