Table of Contents
OLPC image with sahana
This guide shows you how to use the sahana olpc image to create a bootable USB disk. For some background on the advantage of using OLPC for disaster management with Sahana see this thread
You can see more pictures here
- Sahana OLPC image - OLPC image with sahana.
- A USB pen >= 1GB - The minimum requirement is 1GB flash drive and it is better to have a higher capacity flash drive if you are planing to use this system for actual data collection.
- dd command - You need dd command to flash the usb pen. ( You can find it in a GNU/Linux system )
- OLPC laptop - If you want you can also use a emulator. For more information on emulating see
Creating a Dedicated USB disk
- Download the sahana olpc image from This image contains the sahana 0.6 stable release.
- Unzip the images using bzip2 command.
%> bunzip2 sahana_0_6_olpc_build1.img.bz2
- Plug in the USB pen to your PC and unmount it. Remember you have to unmount the usb not to eject it. Type the following command in a console to do it.
%> sudo umount /dev/<device>
When you are issuing the above command change the <device> to USB pen's device file ( Ex: sdb1 or sdb2 ).
- Next step is to flash the USB pen using the dd command. WARNING : By doing this you will loose all the data in the USB drive so back up data before you flash the USB.
%> dd if=sahana_0_6_olpc_build1.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M %> sync
- When the light in the USB stop blinking remove the usb from the PC.
- For more information on how to use images with USB disks refer
Booting OLPC
- Plug the USB pen to the OLPC and turn on the machine. The olpc will detect the USB and use it's environment to boot.
- This process will not alter the internal flash memory, all the changes will be done to the environment in the USB drive.
- Usually the first time boot will be bit slow because some software's need to be initialised.
- Once the system is booted it will ask for a user name and a theme colour, select them according to your preference.( This happens only at first boot )
- Then you will be loged in to the suger environment. For more info on suger read
- Now start the web browser by clicking the icon which represent a globe in the bottom menu.
- The web browser will start and take you to the sahana installer.
- Use the installer to install sahana
- If you need a console to configure the system press ( ALt + = ) This will open a terminal application. Also the ( Alt + Ctrl +F1 ) is available.
- Click the neighborhood icon to connect to a WiFi access point.
- Create an optimised image with minimum size.
- Removing Suger and using some other desktop environment like XFCE which is more user friendly for adults .
- Making a generic live usb which will work on any machine including OLPC laptop.
- ( Add any suggestions you have…. )