Table of Contents
The Sahana Training Program Day-wise breakdown [ here]
The Sahana Modules (Outdated and needs to be updated with the above) [ here]
Sahana Feedback
NIMS training is free for everyone. 100,200,700,800
Gov Lesson Learned Site. Has a lot of pandemic Information
- Create A FAQ for windows installation
- Sources of location data: National Institutes of Standards - free source of location files, global, not sure what formats.
- Need definitions of User Roles documented.
- UI recommendation: Which user you are working with/changing - in the roles/user screens.
- Documentation: cannot have a space between latitude and longitude - in Admin setting up the mapping/GIS.
- Create a deployment checklist which can be printed (also relates to training materials - useful handout for moving through the admin/setup module).
- Question: Relief efforts need to establish a process for receiving updates on missing/found people. When a missing person is found, 'Status' is changed from Missing to Found. If there are two trackers for a person who is found, both trackers remain in database.
- Add currency independence in l10n effort in admin interface
- Is Sahana NIMS compliant? no. For a tool to be usable in the US. No bearing outside the US. People in the field need a tool to be compliant.
Not a security issue, a structure issue. City of NY is SIMS compliant, so look at that code to see how they handled compliance.
- Establish security protocols in a deployment.
Missing Person DVR
- Provide an case ID for the missing person
- Publicly reported found persons if they approve
- Disconnect in inventory component in terms of relief - relief agencies want to control their own inventory. Sahana includes an inventory application (simple) but more likely to see use in the request database, so relief agencies with inventory can see what's needed and offer what they have.
- Body part tracking - body map - possible customization of a module
VM Module
- Possible Challenges - Credentialling - need to define credential requirements for that time/location, and who is credentialled
- Possible new use case (Louiqa): You realize that a person you are tracking is not the person you thought it was, because of the addition of new data. Do you want to copy the original record and then change/add/delete some data for a new version which is the one you are looking for? Or perhaps do you want to link the new record with the original record (which is no longer the person you are looking for)?
- For VM module, consider functionality to print id badges for volunteers.
- VM module: state the date format on the screen. Usefulness of the calendar popup is questionable given number of years one needs to scroll back.
- Track volunteer time, funding,
- Look to tracking the burn rate, the daily work breakdown and reporting would be a key to getting traction with the incident command. Right now there is a simple form that would be filled out.
Situation Map
- Look at Street level mapping.
- Build a pointers into other systems. Show the maps from a sales perspective.
- Potential LightGIS
- check out
- Use well defined EM icons on the situation map
- List of pleges. Have an import function. CSV
Damage Assessment
- Dead people
- Morgue
- What type of facility? Medical (Surgery, Pharmacy, Triage),
- Evacuation center, Heliport, Base Camp, Landing Zone, Media Center, Casualty Collection Point, Incident Command Post,
- Camp and Base camp
- Staging area (Dump trucks, Medical Equipment)
- Associate the scope to the location being evaluated
- look at the number of wells
Inventory Management
- Figure a way of adding government agencies and their assets. Rather than being just a warehouse.
- Status, Requested, Committed or Out of Service / Destroyed
- Put it into the incident command center
New Modules
- Google News feeds with a keyword search from Google.
- messaging systems varoli, sendwordnow, messageone
Trouble Shooting
- What is data capacity? eg missing persons? If you are doing a data import, could run into memory issues. Need to test scalability. What are the dependencies that indicate scalability - quantity of data allowed? Need testing and documentation to allow bring to scale.
- What security to run against Sahana to ensure the code is safe? That needs to be addressed. IBM team could run Fortify against Sahana. Contact Fortify and see if they want to partner with us? Last year an EOC got hacked during a disaster. Major concern, especially in regards to data sharing. Sahana should have security access/roles/ authorization points.
- Issues with install:
- Conflicting ports - Skype in conflict - port 80 being used by Webservices - Internal servers - Pre-installed Sahana - WAMP-5 - possible port - installation error - WAMP5_1.7.4 (WAMP2 was giving Dennis problems) - PHP-GP – PHP gettext
Training Materials Feedback
- Have exercises on a handout so users won't lose track as you switch between scenario and application.
- Have alternate version of Disaster Domain Concepts and some portions of Administrator modules for a technically advanced audience.
- Take time for a student skills analysis before finalizing agenda.
- Move the lecture modules to beginnings and ends of days, with hands-on in the middle, in order to intersperse the lecture throughout the week.
- Move OS-related content near end of week.
- Create a deployment checklist which can be printed (also relates to training materials - useful handout for moving through the admin/setup module).
- At start of training, have users access/open the wiki, to facilitate recording of questions and feedback.
Development Ideas
- Work on a module import structure
- prefix to the conf section
- making email into links
- On text field help bubble
- WIKI modules
- template handler for date
- default menu name