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Sahana Disaster Preparedness System

As described in the development wiki target of Sahana Disaster Preparedness System is for addressing basic requirements of the disaster pre deployment.

Basic Features

  • Declare Effects of disasters
  • Add/Edit/Search/List disasters
  • Add/Edit/Search/List areas under threat
  • Add/Edit/Search/List safe areas for shelters
  • Issue/remove warnings
  • register/unregister disasters
  • Construct/List Evacuation Plan
  • Construct/List/Edit Recovery Plan

Declare Effects of Disasters

Before identifying possible disasters considerable effects of those disasters should be declared. This is in admin configuration because level of considering effects is decided by the administration of the deployed location. As example some may consider effects for humans only like deaths and injuries but some may consider effects to environment also. Because of that deciding effects is in the module configuration in administration module.

Administration –> Module Configuration –> Disaster Preparedness –> Disaster Effects

Disaster Identification

Possible disasters and there possibilities and effects are identified and tracked in this section. Add, Edit, Search and List are the available features of this section.

Disaster Preparedness –> Disaster Identification

Add Disaster

Add a suspectable disaster (disaster, possibility, reason, description and possible effects)

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