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Sahana Disaster Preparedness System

As described in the development wiki target of Sahana Disaster Preparedness System is for addressing basic requirements of the disaster pre deployment.

Basic Features

  • Declare Effects of disasters
  • Add/Edit/Search/List disasters
  • Add/Edit/Search/List areas under threat
  • Add/Edit/Search/List safe areas for shelters
  • Issue/remove warnings
  • register/unregister disasters
  • Construct/List Evacuation Plan
  • Construct/List/Edit Recovery Plan

Declare Effects of Disasters

Before identifying possible disasters considerable effects of those disasters should be declared. This is in admin configuration because level of considering effects is decided by the administration of the deployed location. As example some may consider effects for humans only like deaths and injuries but some may consider effects to environment also. Because of that deciding effects is in the module configuration in administration module.

Administration –> Module Configuration –> Disaster Preparedness –> Disaster Effects

Disaster Identification

Possible disasters and there possibilities and effects are identified and tracked in this section. Add, Edit, Search and List are the available features of this section.

Disaster Preparedness –> Disaster Identification

Add Disaster

Add a suspectable disaster (disaster, possibility, reason, description and possible effects)

If disaster from same name has been added already system inform it to user but user can add it by force.

Then it shows the added details of the disaster.

List Disaster

List Identified disasters(Disaster, possibility, status(whether disaster is happen or warned or before happens, and link for issue warnings and declare disaster). By clicking link in disaster name detailed description can be viewed same as above screen shot.

Search/Edit Disaster

Searching can be done using zero of more number of parameters(Disaster, Reason, status, threat level). It produce a list based on given values.

To edit/delete * Click on edit link * Click on disaster name and click on edit link(this can be done even in list disasters)

Then do the editing of deleting

Identifying Areas Under Threat

Suspectable areas which are under threat are identified in this section. Listing , searching, editing and deletion are handled by this part.

Disaster Preparedness –> Areas Under Threat

Add Area

Area, Location, contact details of a responsible authorities of that area like divisional secretary officer, population details are tracked. If you want to use a same contact details you have already added, you can select it without adding new details.One area may be under threat of several disasters with different possibilities.

Then location will be asked in a GIS map and after that threat levels for each disaster should be set.

Then Those details can be saved or edit again.

List Areas Under threat

Area, Location, Possible disasters and status are shown.By Clicking name of area detailed description can be viewed.

To see the location on a map click the map view

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