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Sahana Disaster Preparedness System

As described in the development wiki target of Sahana Disaster Preparedness System is for addressing basic requirements of the disaster pre deployment.

Basic Features

  • Declare Effects of disasters
  • Add/Edit/Search/List disasters
  • Add/Edit/Search/List areas under threat
  • Add/Edit/Search/List safe areas for shelters
  • Issue/remove warnings
  • register/unregister disasters
  • Construct/List Evacuation Plan
  • Construct/List/Edit Recovery Plan

Declare Effects of Disasters

Before identifying possible disasters considerable effects of those disasters should be declared. This is in admin configuration because level of considering effects is decided by the administration of the deployed location. As example some may consider effects for humans only like deaths and injuries but some may consider effects to environment also. Because of that deciding effects is in the module configuration in administration module.

Administration –> Module Configuration –> Disaster Preparedness –> Disaster Effects

Disaster Identification

Possible disasters and there possibilities and effects are identified and tracked in this section. Add, Edit, Search and List are the available features of this section.

Disaster Preparedness –> Disaster Identification

Add Disaster

Add a suspectable disaster (disaster, possibility, reason, description and possible effects)

If disaster from same name has been added already system inform it to user but user can add it by force.

Then it shows the added details of the disaster.

List Disaster

List Identified disasters(Disaster, possibility, status(whether disaster is happen or warned or before happens, and link for issue warnings and declare disaster). By clicking link in disaster name detailed description can be viewed same as above screen shot.

Search/Edit Disaster

Searching can be done using zero of more number of parameters(Disaster, Reason, status, threat level). It produce a list based on given values.

To edit/delete * Click on edit link * Click on disaster name and click on edit link(this can be done even in list disasters)

Then do the editing of deleting

Identifying Areas Under Threat

Suspectable areas which are under threat are identified in this section. Listing , searching, editing and deletion are handled by this part.

Disaster Preparedness –> Areas Under Threat

Add Area

Area, Location, contact details of a responsible authorities of that area like divisional secretary officer, population details are tracked. If you want to use a same contact details you have already added, you can select it without adding new details.One area may be under threat of several disasters with different possibilities.

Then location will be asked in a GIS map and after that threat levels for each disaster should be set.

Then Those details can be saved or edit again.

List Areas Under threat

Area, Location, Possible disasters and status are shown.By Clicking name of area detailed description can be viewed.

To see the location on a map click the map view


Searching can be done using zero or more parameters(Area name, disaster, threat).

Then it list all matching areas as in listing with an additional link to editing and deleting. When deleting a area it deletes all records which relevant to that area.

Identify Areas for Shelters

Safety areas which are suitable for shelters are identified in this section. Adding and listing, searching, editing, deletion is handled in this section.

Disaster Preparedness –> Areas for Shelters

Add Area

This section is more like adding area under threat except some fields are remove and new fields are added to meet the requirement. Instead of population details ownership and capacity details are asked and no need of setting threat levels. Area may be suitable to more than one disaster.

List Area

This one also functioning alike `list areas under threat`.


Area name, suitable disaster, land type(empty or with buildings), ownership(government or private) can be used as searching parameters. Then it displayed a list match as above screen shot with link to edit.


One disaster has one evacuation plan. Evacuation plan is allocating people in areas under threat of a disaster are allocating to safety areas. It will helps to educate people on evacuee moves.

Disaster Preparedness –> Evacuation

Evacuation Planning

Preparing evacuation planning is handled by this section


* First a disaster must be selected

* Then it shows areas under threat of that disaster. If all population is already allocated to shelters(identified areas) they are not shown.

By clicking 'select' link under allocate shelter suitable shelters are shown. Shelters are shown in to categories. Shelters it the location of threaten area and shelters in else where.

By selecting a shelter all population or some amount of population can be allocated to that shelter.

Only allocation text box can be changed. If allocation exceeds the capacity of the shelter it inform to user but user can complete the allocation by force.

List Evacuation Plan

List the evacuation planning for each disaster.

Recovery Method Identification

Recovery methods are identified for each effects of each the disaster. Recovery method can be identified as a long term or short term and can be assign to any of disaster status like before disaster, under warnings or etc with priorities. Any sort of recovery details added at this point.

Add Recovery Method

Recovery Method a added to each disaster seperately. Because of that to add a disaster first list of disasters needed to be taken and select the disasters. In that link “Add Recovery Details” can be found.

list disaster –> « select disaster » –> Add Recovery details

Those identified methods are use for construct recovery plan.

List Recovery Details

List of recovery methods are also found under each disaster as the add recovery details. Each recovery methods are categorized based on the term and under that categorized into effects. It has further more categorized based on the status of the disaster.

list disaster –> « select disaster » –> List Recovery Details

By click on the edit link content of relevant recovery method can be edited.

Recovery Planning

Recovery plan is categorized in to two plans. Public recovery plan which use for educate people and system recovery plan is for system administrators or authorities which are not valuable for public. Both can be construct using same function.

Construct plan

As the first step disaster has to be selected because recovery plan is constructed to each disaster. Each disaster has only one recovery plan which contains of recovery methods of public and system recovery plans.

Then the recovery method is to be searched by effect, term and the status.

All identified recovery methods are shown which match given parameters.

Recovery details for plan can be selected at this point and decide whether it should go to public plan or system plan. By checking access that recovery method can be send to the public recovery plan. Not that only selected methods are available for any recovery plan.

List Recovery Plan

Constructed recovery plan for each disaster is shown here. It shows public recovery plan and system recovery plan separately.

Recovery Planing –> List Recovery Plan –> « select a disaster »

Using combo box in above of the list listing can be filtered. By changing “Access” can be shifted between system recovery plan and public recovery plan.

Assign Areas to recovery

All recovery methods of recovery plan may not needed for all areas under threat of that disaster. So some set of selected areas can be assign to each recovery method.

Perform List Recovery Plan and then click “select” link under Show Area. By selecting “show” link under Show Areas those assigned areas can be viewed.

Edit Recovery Plan

A recovery method from a recovery plan can be either edited or change the access level(shift for public recovery plan to system recovery plan or the other round). To edit perform the List Recovery Plan and click the edit under Edit column.

Warnning System

This part is useful to issue warnings and declare/register disaster when it occurs. Can be use to change the the status of the disaster. This important to maintain continuous disaster history.

Issue Warning or register Disaster

Perform List Disaster and select 'select' link under warnings.

Warning or Registering disaster can issue to only selected areas which are under threat of selected disaster. If warning has been already issued unwarned will displayed instead of warning. If disaster has been already registered Unregistered will display and it will change the status of disaster to post disaster. If disaster is registered another button is there to declare post disaster status.

Reporting System

Reporting system helps to present information in a readable and useful manner. Reporting system contains three basic reports. Public Education report, Disaster history report and report on GIS.

Disaster History Report

Disaster history report is based on previously issued warnings and registered disasters.

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