Table Description
rms_request - stores information about the part of requester and the request
- req_uuid and reqstr_uuid represent unique ids for a request and a requester
- loc_uuid- uniquely identifies the location of request
- status -represents the status of the request 'open','closed' or 'other'
- requester_to_person - creates a one to one relation from rms_request to person_uuid
- requester_to_location - creates a relation from rms_request to location
rms_req_item -stores information about a requested entity from the system
- quantity - to represent the item count
- priority - to store priority of a request
- unit - item units
- item_to_catalog -relates to the ct_catalogue table
- rms_priority_to_priority -combines the item priority to rms_priority table
- rms_request_item_to_request -relates to rms_request table
rms_prirority -Independent table to store request priorities.Three priority levels called Immediate,moderate and low are identified
rms_status - Independent table to store the state of a request.(open,close,etc…)
rms_pledge - stores information about the part of pledger and the pledge
- donor_uuid and plg_uid represent unique ids for a pledger and a pledge
- status-represents the status of the pledge 'delivered','notdelivered',etc..
- pledger_to_person -defines one to one relationship from rms_pledger to person_uuid
rms_pledge_item -Stores information about donations
- quantity -Item quantity
- status -Status about the items(delivered,not delivered,etc…)
- unit -units(mg,g,Kg,etc…)
- rms_plgitem_to_catalog -relates the rms_plg_item and the ct_catalogue table
- rmsplg_to_plg_item-combines the rms_pledge table with rms_plg_item
rms_fullfill-Information on request and pledge reconcillation is stored here
- item_uuid -Item id
- quantity -quantity
- ff_date -fullfillment date
- item_to_catalogue - relationship from the rms_fulfil item_uuid to ct_catalogue ct_uuid
- fulfil_to_pledge - relate the rms_fulfil and rms_pledge table
- fulfil_to_request - combine the rms_fulfil and rms_request table