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SWAT checklist for testing

Code conventions

Following tests will be done using PHPCheckstyle

  • Test “noShortPhpCodeTag”: Tests and reports and error if a short php

code open tag is used.

  • Test “noShellComments”: Tests and reports and error if there is a

shell/perl style comment (that starts with '#').

  • Test “lineLength”: Tests for long lines and reports error if a

line exceeds the value of “maxLineLength” property. The default value of “maxLineLength” is 80.

  • Test “docBlocks”: Tests that every function and class is

immediately preceded by a docblock. A property “excludePrivateMembers” can be set if you want to disable docblocks for private member functions.

  • Test “controlStructNeedCurly”: Tests to make sure that every

control structure is included within a {} block, even if it is syntactically optional.

  • Test “controlStructOpenCurly”: Tests for the location of the open

curly bracket for a control structure.

  • Test “funcDefinitionOpenCurly”: This is similar to “controlStructOpenCurly” explained above. Except that this is for

function definition and the default value of “position” is new line (“nl”).

The other convention validations will be done manually.

Module developer conventions

  • Reusing libraries
  • Folder structure
  • File structure
  • Adhering to front controller

Integration testing

  • Identify module dependencies
  • Validate the dependencies in the code

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