Authors/Validators: mifan [at] opensource [dot] lk prabath321 [at] gmail [dot] com

SWAT process for Validation of the following in modules:

  1. Cross Browser Functionality
  2. JavaScript/AJAX Functionality
  3. GIS activation
  4. L10n Functionality
Cross Browser Functionality / Small Screen Redering
  1. Mozilla Firefox
  • 2.0
  • 1.5
  1. Internet Explorer
  • 7
  • 6
  1. Opera
  2. Safari (Konqueror)
  3. Iceweasel
JavaScript/AJAX Functionality
  1. Application should function correctly when JavaScript disable or exit gracefully.
  2. Application should use browser independent JavaScript.
  3. Application should function correctly when Ajax is not available.
GIS Activation
  1. Check whether Module has GIS, and if so, whether it is required as per the requirements
  2. Module workflow should complete if GIS is turned off
  3. Module workflow should compete if Internet dependant GIS is delayed by Internet Bandwith problems
  4. Module should use standard GIS API functions
L10N functionality
  1. Every string which is visible in user interface should be within gettext.
  2. Investigate whether developer use html tags, html special characters(',“,<,etc.. ) within gettext.
  3. Identify strings which are within gettext but can't be localized then modify those strings to function correctly.
  4. Usage of _lc()

Module Evaluation for above

Inventory Management

  1. Cross Browser:
  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0, 1.5: DONE
  • IE 6.0 on Linux: DONE
  • Opera on Linux: DONE
  1. Small Screen Redering - DONE
  1. GIS
  • Activation: YES
  • Conforms: YES

Catalogue Management

- Cross Browser:

  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0, 1.5: DONE
  • IE 6.0 on Linux: DONE
  • Opera on Linux: DONE
  1. Small Screen Redering - DONE

Organization Registry

- Cross Browser:

  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0, 1.5: DONE
  • IE 6.0 on Linux: DONE
  • Opera on Linux: DONE
  1. Small Screen Redering - DONE

Request/Aid Management

- Cross Browser:

  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0, 1.5: DONE
  • IE 6.0 on Linux: DONE
  • Opera on Linux: DONE
  1. Small Screen Redering - DONE

QR Code
QR Code swat:l10n (generated for current page)