Sahana Translation Workflow

Pootle Subfiles versus Modules for Sahana 0.6.x

Module Pootle Subfiles sahana-n.po
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Missing Person Reg x *
Disaster Victim Reg x *
Synchronization x *
Messaging / Alerting x *
Volunteer Coord x *
Administration x *
Organization Reg x x x x *
Shelter Reg x *
Aid Catalog x *
Inventory Mangement x x x *
Request / Aid Mgmt x x x x x *

* = has field options for all modules

This table primarily shows major relationships. Minor relationships exist, since:

  • splits at .po boundaries are not necessarily at module boundaries;
  • any string occurring more than once (e.g., across modules) is represented only once in the set of .po files.

Administration and Merging Policy

FIXME Must be updated!

Projects and languages as well as the initial PO files are set up by the Pootle administrator on request of the Sahana release team.

Obsolete projects will be removed from the PootleServer on decision of the Sahana project management committee. A final archive of each project will remain available.

A major goal of the Pootle translation site is to get new translations of the Sahana user interface even FASTER, i.e. within the first weeks after a new Sahana release is issued. So, the merging policy is targeted at a maximum reuse of prior translations.

When setting up a new project on the PootleServer, translated strings from prior releases will be merged into the new localization files in advance. Thus, usually only the new messages of this release will have to be translated.

To include bug fixes and updates from the Sahana development, the existing localization files will be updated to the latest sahana.pot template file every two months starting with June, 2008. Updates usually involve only a small number of messages, so this would usually produce only minor gaps which can probably be closed rapidly.

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