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Procurement Sub Module


PR Purchase Request
RFQ Request for Quotation
BA Bid Analysis
CBA Comparative Bid Analysis
PO Purchase Order
GRN Goods Received Note
Open Purchases which are still ongoing
Closed Purchases which have been completed. (This may occur when the items are delivered, or paid for, depending on the organization)
Approved Vendor A Vendor who has been verified, and who certain purchases may be made directly from, without the full bid process.

Note: This terminology may change between organizations, and may need to definable in configuration settings.

User Cases

These will describe the different tasks which the User (typically procurement staff within an organization) will have to perform in the software, and the data which they will have to enter.

Enter New Purchase Request

User: Staff / Procurement Staff

Description: Entering a request to purchase item(s) into the system. This will produce a physical PR, which will be signed by required staff for approval, according to the organizations policies.


Data Description
Date Received by Procurement
Requisition Number Auto. Generated Serial #
Purchase Description
Requester Name Person
Requester Position
Requester Office Site
Priority (Routine/Urgent)
Date Required by Date
Goods Delivered to Site (Location/Telephone/Fax)
Delivery Contact Person
Authorized by (1) Person
Authorized by (2) Person
Authorized by (3) Person
Authorized by (4) Person
Estimated Total Price Calc. from Item(s) Data

Item(s) (each PR can contain any number of items:

Data Description
Item CatalogItem - Select existing or add new
Unit Type From CatalogItem or Add New
Estimated Unit Price Currency (Possible look up from historical data)
Amount (Quantity x Estimated Unit Price)
Budget Restrictions (Donor Restrictions) Text
Budget Codes BudgetCode Table
For Distribution/Assets/Inventory Person
Procurement Status Set to “New”


  • The new PR may be entered by the person requesting the items, or if the deployment of Sahana is limited to only logistics staff, it may be entered by the procurement staff.
  • The PR may need to be approved before Procurement staff can action it.
  • There needs to be some sort of check against the Warehouse Ledger, to check that the requested items are not already in stock.

Make Request for Quotation

User: Procurement Staff

Description: Using the data from the PRs, the Procurement Staff will create RFQ which can be printed and sent to Vendors.


  • A Single PR could be split into multiple quotes (If the items are going to be purchased from different vendors); A single quote could be split into multiple PRs.

Enter Bids & Make Bid Analysis

User: Procurement Staff Description: The Procurement staff will enter data from the Vendor's Bids


User: Procurement Staff Description:

Make Purchase Order

User: Procurement Staff Description:

Enter Delivery Details

User: Warehouse Staff / Procurement Staff Description:

Enter Payment Details

User: Finance Staff / Procurement Staff Description:


Procurement Tracking Report

Description: A list of all items which are currently being procured, or have recently been procured.

Procurement Summary Report

Description: A list of all items which have been procured (closed).

Vendor List

Description:A list of all Vendors in the system. Some of these vendors may be tagged as “Approved Vendors”.

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